#MusicMonday Week 13

It's #MusicMonday again! This is my blog series about what I've been listening to week to week. Wondering why I'm posting playlists of what I've been checking out lately? Have a read of my New Year's Resolutions post.

This week I'm bringing you an 11 track SoundCloud playlist of a few bits and bobs.
The first two tracks I actually started listening to because MNEK reposted them on SoundCloud. The first is too catchy for it's own good, 'Whats Luv?' by XO feat. Emma Corbett-Usher. You may remember I featured 'Old Skool' by XO in #MusicMonday Week 2. The second is a really interesting acoustic mash up of Gorgon City feat. MNEK 'Ready For Your Love' and Route 94 feat. Jess Glynne 'My Love', by Rocky NTi.
Next up is Dominique Young Unique with 'Throw It Down'. Produced by Benga and DJ Fresh, you can't really go wrong. You may recognise it from the latest Lucozade ad.
Track 4 is a new obsession of mine, 'Solo Dancing' by Indiana. This song would easily be at home on the soundtrack for the movie 'Drive'.
My next track comes from Dan Hyde. I'm loving the super chilled 'My Door'.
I had to include 'Hideaway' by Kiesza. I think everyone is going a bit crazy about this song.
The last 5 tracks are highlights from travelling home from the Trafford Centre listening to Danny Howard's Dance Anthems on Radio 1.
I hope you enjoy!

What are your current fave tracks? Leave me a comment below!
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1 comment

  1. Thanks for sharing :) I was actually looking for new music tonight, I'm going to add a couple of these :) x


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